In my last blog I mentioned that we needed to protect our energy. I didn’t mean with protein shakes or by doing more exercise lol. There are narcissistic people and vampires (energy vampires) who are out there ready to steal every ounce of energy they can from the do-gooders, the Light Workers, the Indigos and Rainbows, the Star children and so on…

We all need to learn to protect ourselves from these energy suckers. One more reason to keep our chakras and auras balanced and healthy.

One way to protect ourselves is by using the vibrational frequencies of crystals. There are so many crystals that all of them aren’t even listed in The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. A book I cannot be without. Within my family alone there exists at least four copies. Highly Intuitive women are common within my family line. I myself am a Somatic Empath, I can physically feel how others are feeling and usually pick up their physical ailment as well which used to really suck until I learned how to avoid it. I am a Clairaudient, I can hear my guides speak into my ear, not all the time but usually when I have a need to. I also have the strange gift of Bibliomancy which is when you can turn to the exact page you need in a book lol. Strange, yes, but sometimes it saves me allot of time. I cannot talk to Spirits but at times I have felt the presence of my pets that have past over. I have a strong connection to animals. 

Now, getting back to crystals. Like I said there are so many different kinds of crystals that you’d have to have a photogenic memory to know them all. Sadly, I do not. But I have had interest in them for so long now that I am well versed in many of the more common ones. One trick I’ve learned is to use the colors of the crystal if you need a certain property to work with. Such as most black and/or brown crystals will have the frequency of protection in them for us to utilize for our energy fields and to keep us grounded. Very important so we do not “leak” our energy out by over using it. And so we do not absorb negative energy from other people or places. 

One crystal you might use for protection is the Obsidian. Obsidian is a very powerful and strong stone. It is used for grounding and protection from negative energies. It can also block us from geopathic stress or environmental pollutions. Another would be Jet. Jet is known to draw out unwanted negativity from your energy field. It can also aid in guarding against illness and violence. Smoky Quartz is a protective stone being most efficient in grounding due to its deep connection with the Earth. Tourmaline is known to actually transform dense negative energies into lighter vibrations. A very powerful stone that can also form a protective shield around its wearer. These are but a few of the crystals easily obtainable for your energy protection. They can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or small bag. Even the tiniest of crystals can carry a huge punch. The vibrational frequencies are the same so if you can’t afford that huge geode you’d like for your nightstand, no worries, the smaller one will do just fine.

Another way to protect and cleanse our energy fields is by smudging ourselves.  Smudging, sounds dirty, lol but it isn’t. Smudging is simply using the smoke of an incense to waft over our bodies and the environments we occupy. Typically, White Sage is used, but Frankincense and Myrrh are used in churches for the same reason. I usually speak a small chant while smudging. For example: “I banish negativity, leaving only love to live and breathe, this is my will, so mote it be.” This is not written in stone. I made this up, you can make your own up as well or use mine, you’re welcome to it. 

Salt is yet another excellent way to cleanse yourself and space. Salt baths are relaxing and detoxifying. And if spiritual work is intended sprinkle salt around the area to be used.

I hope you have found this blog interesting and helpful. I will be back with more on how to effectively clear our energy vortexes, the chakras. 

Namaste and blessings in love, Jill


* Note: White Sage is not to be used in cooking, it is different from the culinary version.


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