Sacral Chakra, part one

The Sacral Chakra is represented by the Water element. It deals with our emotions and creativity.

The symbol of this chakra is an orange lotus with six petals. A crescent Moon rests along its bottom half.

The Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is located just below our belly buttons. It pertains to our emotions, how we feel and how we create. Our imaginations and our sense of belonging are also affected by the health of this energy center. If this chakra becomes blocked we could experience a lack of desire and illness. An out of balance Sacral Chakra can result in the following symptoms;

* insecurity and shyness

* hormone imbalances

* addictions and excessive indulging

* being withdrawn and fearful

* needy and emotionally unstable

* having sexual problems

* UTI’s

* low libido and depression

* feelings of guilt and being unforgiving

The Sacral being located in our stomachs creates more than enough space to hold stress. In fact stress causes the hormone cortisol to build up. And where do you think most of that cortisol goes? Yep your stomach area. So to release the main causes of these dis-eases you need to de-stress yourself. If you can do that than your Sacral becomes balanced and you may experience the following;

* the ability to enjoy and let go

* healthy reproductive organs

* more active libido

* more energy and life force

* enjoy intimacy and sensuality

* grace and compassion

* maintain stable blood sugar

* being joyful and friendly

* having healthy connections with others

* you make space for beauty in your life

* you are comfortable with your body and your sexuality

De-stressing is just one way to balance your Sacral Chakra. In part two I will give you more tools you can utilize to create a more happy healthier you!

Namaste beautiful people,
