The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhishthana, is the center of enjoyment, pleasure and creativity. This part of the series will give you ideas on how to unblock this center.

Getting out in nature is a great way to not only unblock the sacral but all your chakras. Appreciating the beauty that surrounds you can open your creative channels and spark your imagination. Inspiring you to be creative.

I’ve mention journaling before but did you know you can create an art journal as well?  Put anything you want in it. Just keep adding until your satisfied.  Go by pictures you draw or scrap from magazines or simply add color. Whatever inspires you.

Exercise is another great tool for sparking your zest for life and the relationships in it. Yoga has many asanas you can use such as child’s pose, forward bend, plank and bridge.

Try incorporating oranges into your wardrobe or interior living spaces.

Use crystals such as citrine or carnelian to help open your sacral. Carry them or meditate with them.

Essential oils can also help. Ylang-ylang, patchouli, orange and sandalwood are good oils to start.

Also orange foods such as carrots, oranges, pumpkin, etc.

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