Root Chakra, part three

The Root or Muladhara Chakra is the foundation to all other energy vortexes in our bodies. Just as the foundation of a house is crucial so is the “foundation” of our energy bodies.

Part three will give you more ways to open your Root Chakra.

*Being that the Root Chakra is deeply associated with the Earth element, the most important thing to do is connect to nature. Go for a grounding walk, that’s barefoot guys, it really helps to feel the Earth beneath you. Get out in the forest or nearest park to experience the vibrations of the trees. Hug a tree and you will see what I mean. I feel pulses going through their trunks when I am doing my tree hugging. Its an awesome feeling! To feel the life surging through such massive living things, knowing their age is well over my life-time, phew, brings chills up and down my spine. Lets not forget that the root system on trees is just as large if not larger than their visible branches above. They are entwined and connected with each other, some say they can communicate too. I wouldn’t doubt it. It is a scientific fact that trees can tell each other when one is infested with a disease or insects of some kind. Notifying each other of the danger. Wild right? Nature is AWESOME and we as humankind should be the protectors of it.

*Use specific crystals for balancing the Root. There are many grounding crystals but the best for opening and clearing the Root Chakra is the Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian. Red Jasper is a wonderful way to enhance vitality, and sexual passion.Black Tourmaline is a great grounding stone and a superb protection from negative energies. Black Obsidian is used to cleanse negative energy and protection against psychic attack. Others worth a mention are Red Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Red Carnelian, and Fire Agate.  Use these crystals anytime of day by carrying them with you or when you are meditating. You should place them as near to the Root Chakra as possible.

*Another way to balance the root is to just dance to the music lol, Turn on your favorite jam and just start shaking that booty! And as they say dance like nobody is watching. Its great exercise as well.

*Essential Oils are another way to obtain healthy vibrations. Use earthy scents to activate your root energy. Patchouli, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Frankincense to heal and balance. These suggested are easily obtainable. And do not forget to use a carrier oil with a few drops of essential oil added to it if putting on your skin. Some oils are too potent to use directly without the carrier. Good carrier oils are coconut, grapeseed, jojoba among others. 

*Plan a garden or do yardwork to get your hands in the dirt. It will help to ground you. lol (pun intended)

*Be mindful. Remember that like brings like. If you are thinking about what you DON’T have you’re actually just bringing in more of what you don’t have. If you start thinking positively you will bring more abundance to your life. Be grateful for what you already have.

*Try to declutter and get organized. I know its easier said then done but structure and organization make you feel better. It gives you space to realize what’s important. Not only will you feel better but it allows other new things to enter your life. When you get rid of the old, you open doors to let the new in.  

*Do yoga. Please don’t think right away “Oh, I can’t do yoga. My body doesn’t move that way.” Yoga is for Every Body! And yoga is more than just the asanas, much more. But there are asanas (positions) that you can do to open and activate the energy of the Root Chakra which is what we are discussing now. Also there are ways to modify all the asanas for different fitness levels. The Warrior One and Warrior Two poses are good for the root. The Pyramid. The Mountain Pose. The Easy Pose or Lotus. All good, stable asanas to ground you.

*Wear red 🙂 Absorb the color. Close your eyes. Imagine it surrounding you. Breathe it in. A few minutes of this will do wonders.

*Journal. Journaling is good for everything in life but with the Root Chakra in mind you can ask yourself how you keep yourself grounded or how you can increase stability in your life. How you still follow old habits or maybe how you live and feel about being alive in this world today. Do you feel safe? Do you feel like you need a change? And then just keep writing. Don’t think, just write. Write whatever pops into your head. This helps us to find who we really are and find ways to fix ourselves and create the change we need to help us feel safe and secure. 

*My last suggestion is the diet you consume. Healthy fruits and vegetables are always the way to go, but there are foods specific to the vibrational levels of the Root Chakra. Remember everything is made of energy. I believe that’s why allot of people don’t eat mammals because the animal has been through the trauma of not being respected during their lives and sent to a horrible, torturous death. So sad. The energy retained in them is detectable and not good for our energy vibrations. 

*Eggs, (I could live on them) are good for the Muladhara Chakra. Tofu, soy, beans, all root vegetables such as carrots, potato (white and sweet), beets, rainbow chard.  Not to .mention anything that is red lol. Cherries, radishes, radicchio, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, apples and the list goes on…..  Notice I didn’t say red meat?  Food is best for you when it has a high water content. Like fruits and vegetables do. 


I hope you enjoyed these sections on the Root Chakra.  I will be doing a section on each of the seven major chakras before moving on to anything else. But please remember to contact me in comments if there is something you would like me to talk about.

The bright orange of the Sacral Chakra will be next in my line of info.

Stay healthy, be safe and never change for anyone but yourself. 

