The mantra for the root chakra is LAM. It is pronounced as LUM and is easier to hold in a chant if two syllables are used, putting the L sound first then the UM.  Mantras help balance our chakras by raising our vibrations to the certain chakras frequency. Muladhara harmonizes to the “C” note, 256Hz. 

To empower a chakra, visualization and meditation is often used. Try this following one to help clear your root.

Sit comfortably on the ground. Legs crossed if able, hands resting on thighs, palms facing up with thumbs gently touching tips of index fingers and other fingers outstretched. This is the mudra for this chakra. Sit up tall with a slight arch in your spine so your sitting directly on your root and not the tail bone. A large pillow tucked under just your bottom could help with this.

Take three deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale fully. Start to chant the grounding mantra of LAM. Imagine you have roots, as a tree does, that are growing down and reaching into the Earth. These roots connect you to Mother Earth and, in turn, all of nature. A white light comes down from above, its the universal life force energy and enters you through your crown chakra on top of your head. It moves down through your spine and into your root chakra. It spreads from there and surrounds your body in a protective golden-white light.

Now visualize your Muladhara, a red ball of energy, swirling clockwise. The energy ball starts to get brighter and larger, encompassing your whole pelvic area. You are grounded, you feel safe, you have a warm feeling inside of you. The white light protects you from any harm. Now imagine your energy ball revolving so fast it has no choice but to let go of all negative thoughts and feelings you have held onto for days, weeks, months and even years. It spins and spins, faster and faster. It clears away all the old guilts and fears that your subconscious has refused to let go of in the past. Remember you are safe from harm and grounded to the Earth. Feel at peace. Try holding this image for 5-10 minutes if you can. After you feel your root has become as large and clear as it can possibly get, than you may allow the energy ball to slow down and reduce in size. Let it once again comfortably reside at the base of your spine. You may then release the white light from its purpose and let it ascend back to the heavenly realm where it came from, taking all the negative energies with it to be neutralized into plain energy once again.

Before you open your eyes confirm your sense of well-being by saying some affirmations to yourself. Such as;

“I am safe.”

“I am loved.”

“I belong.”

“I am well taking care of.”

“My angels watch over me.”

“I am strong.”

“All my needs are available to me.”

“There is enough abundance for everyone.”

“The Earth nourishes me.”

How do you feel? I do hope this visualization helped you to live more in the present. Not looking back into the past that cannot be changed, nor to the future that cannot be predicted. Remember, these things, as with everything else, becomes easier with practice.

Now, if weather permits, try to go for a walk in Nature to help this new found connection continue. Actually you should be outside at least, at least, 20 minutes a day. 

Walk out in the yard in bare feet, feel the grass beneath you. The feeling of earth under your feet is a marvelous one!

Be safe my friends, do not fear. All that happens here is for our own highest good! Some day we will all look down and chuckle at all that we went through to grow. Even the most beautiful of flowers starts deep down in the dark recesses of Earth.

Namaste and brightest of blessings, Jill


Yes, part three coming soon!

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