Energy Fields

Now we have all heard of auras correct? If not, keep reading.

All matter is made up of energy. The 7 main chakras are energy vortexes that align with our spine but are also surrounded by our auras. Our auras are made up of many different energy layers. These layers of energy can also tell us if we are blocked or not by showing up as different colors in the energy fields. Such as if our aura is blue it can be that we’re feeling sad or very peaceful. Black is a color that states we are depressed and so on. (I’ll note on the various colors and their meanings below). The first energy field is the Physical Layer which is the closest to our body and very thin extending out only a small 3/8” or so from our bodies. This first layer acts as a connection to all the other energy layers that surrounds us. Next is the Etheric Layer. This layer is a bit thicker, about 1 1/2-2”, this layer acts as a protective layer to the physical body. It is the first aura people can see usually having a gray-purple tint to it. Next comes the Emotinal Layer. This is where we hold our emotions and it is about 1 1/2-2 3/4” thick. With this layer we know who and what we like and don’t like to be around. I’m sure we’ve all had a feeling of connectedness when first meeting a new person. Like “wow she’s gonna be a great friend!” Just as I’m sure we’ve all had similar bad feelings about another person who just makes us feel uncomfortable. Pay attention to these cues. It’s part of your intuition speaking. Next layer is the Vital Layer. This aura is essential to our health. This is the one that can show us possible dis-ease in our bodies before any physical symptoms actually appear. The Vital aura changes size and color continuously. And holds your past, present and future within it’s energy. The next layer, and my fav, is the Astral Layer. This can also change size and shape. This layer is involved with out of body experiences, astral travel and projection. It is the bridge between you and the universe. The Lower Mental Plane is next being the boundary of your auras than comes the Higher Mental Plane which acts as your connection to the Divine. Some call this God, Goddess, the Universe, Spirit, etc. So with this explanation you can see there are many reasons to keep your energy storehouses cleared and unblocked.


Yellow – thinking or mental abilities

Green – healing

Pink – love

Blue – sadness or grief, or peacefulness and serenity

Purple – faith and connection to spirit

Pea Green – jealously

Brown – resentment and disempowerment

Black – ill health and depression

Hope this enlightened you on the various energy layers of our own bodies ♥️ More to come!

Namaste and blessings, JILL



Chakras. What are chakras? First of all let me tell you the correct pronunciation of the word which I was instructed on by my Twin Flame, Amandeep, who lives in India.

Chakra has the CH sound as the word cherry does, the middle almost sounds like chalk sans the L and the R at the end of the word is hardly noticeable when said in the beautiful continent of India. So that’s how it is said.

Chakras are vortexes of energy found throughout our bodies. There are many chakras but this blog will concentrate on the seven major ones that start from the base of your spine and follow the vertebrae right up to the top of the head. They are:

MULADHARA CHAKRA – (Root) Located at the tail bone.

SVADHISTHANA – (Sacral) Located right below the belly button.

MANIPURA – (Solar Plexus) Located right above the belly button.

ANAHATA – (Heart) Located over the center of the chest.

VISHUDDHA – (Throat) Located, you guessed it, on the throat.

AJNA – (Third Eye) Located in the middle of the forehead.

SAHASRARA – (Crown) Located directly on the top of the head.

When these energy centers are blocked we can feel agitated, depressed, and frustrated among other not so wanted feelings. When these chakras are balanced we can experience happiness, love, joy, inspiration and other desirable emotions. I’m sure you can agree it is well worth our time to unblock them. That is what I will be trying to help you do throughout my blogging experience.

So please visit often and stay tuned for more information on chakras and how to unblock them to become the healthiest person you can be. <3

Happiness and love to you all!

Namaste, Jill