I feel I need to explain more about crystals and how they work for us. Now I’ve said in the past that everything, including us, is made up of energy. That is what connects us to everything, plant, mineral and animal alike. We all vibrate at certain frequencies. Some higher, some lower. Our main focus should be on raising our frequencies as high as possible in our lifetimes. That is what we are here for, to learn as much as possible, to have love and compassion for other living beings and to raise our consciousness as high as we possibly can! Crystals can help us with this because they naturally have a higher frequency then most humans do. When adding a crystal to our energy fields or placing one on our chakra our energy rises to the frequency of the crystal itself.

Crystals can absorb energy, which is why before using a crystal it must be cleansed. Now you hear cleansed and automatically think water right? Which is correct in most cases but until you research and know more about the crystals you are using I would stay away from water because some crystals actually dissolve in water lol. Oops. The best way I think to clean them would be to smudge them, rest them on salt for a few hours, or use visualization.

Visualization is a marvelous way to attune your crystals to your highest good and intentions. Hold the crystal, imagine it being cleansed from all negative energies and ‘program’ it to what you want it to do for you. They want to help us, They want to raise vibrations on Earth. Your intention is everything! Like brings like. Think positive and have faith in the crystals healing ability, or whatever else it is that you need the crystal to do.

All crystals have special abilities unique unto itself. Research, go to a rock shop, let the crystal you need find you. When you are drawn to one, pick it up. How does it feel? Is it cool to the touch or warm in your hand? Do you feel any sensations such as a tingling in your palm? Google its properties. You will find that you most likely need this certain crystal in your life. Let it help you, take it home. Keep it with you in a pocket or purse. Gaze at it, become familiar with your crystal. It will become a natural part of your day and you will be all the better for it. 🙂 


Have a wonderful day! Blessed be ♥️


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