Sacral Chakra, part two



The Mantra for the Sacral Chakra is Vam, pronounced Vum. The purpose of mantras are to focus your mind on the sound and to regulate your breathing while in meditation. This practice helps to still the mind.


Above is the Mudra for the Sacral Chakra. Mudras are simple gestures that position your hands and fingers into certain locks that have come from the ancient art of yoga. They are used for building up and clearing the energies of the chakras. The word “mudra” in Sanskrit means “seal” or “gesture”. These gestures help to compliment the flow of energy through the chakra vortex your working with. 

Now to help clear the Sacral Chakra, a nice calming meditation would definitely help. So light an orange candle if you have one. Light some incense if you’d like and put on some light back ground music of chimes or singing bowls. Whatever helps you to de stress.

Sit in a comfortable position, either sitting in lotus or lying down,  (I tend to fall asleep when using this position lol) take three deep breaths to help bring your awareness to the meditation your about to begin and relax your body. Position your hands linked together with pinky’s straight up, as in the pic above, and let them lie softly on your lap or tummy if lying down. Now with your breath practice saying the Sacral mantra Vam. Inhale deeply and in your exhale softly and gently let Vam fall from your lips. It will get easier with practice. Focus on this. If your mind wanders just bring your attention back to the mantra. Visualize an orange glow circling under your belly button where your Sacral is located. Keep focused for 5-10 mins at first and with time bring it up to 15 or even 20 minutes for best results. 

Namaste my lovelies. 

Blessed be, Jill



Hello again. I know I’ve been away for some time now but I took a break for a very important course I wanted to complete and devote my time to. Something that I wanted to do for the benefit of all of us. ….


I am now a Kundalini Reiki Master Level 3 and I am so excited to share this with you all!

Reiki is a very important tool to be able to clear our energy fields, minds, bodies and environments. Even past lives and blockages! It uses the life force energy of Mother Earth which I have gratefully been attuned to and will use for the greater good of all. 

I’ll be combining these energies with the added energies of crystals and will be offering in home sessions and long distance session. Long distance is just as powerful as if we are in the same room. All that is needed from you is an acceptance to bring the energies in.

Im thrilled to be able to finally do this as it has been my dream to heal people and animals for some time now!  

I have had some wonderful experiences with cats and dogs! They love to get these sessions and the owners see remarkable improvements in their mobilization and moods. 

Most people notice a heat or tingle when being given the reiki energy and can feel either sleepy or energized afterward. It has miraculous results and is very good for you and your energy field. Even if you think you have nothing to clear. 

I’ll be using this platform to offer the sessions. It may take me awhile to set this up technology wise, but I’ll be working on it LOL. In my next post I’ll be continuing the chakras with part two of the Sacral Chakra. Talk to you all soon.  

In light and love, Jill

PS. Some positive vibes sent my way to help me on my computer skills would be appreciated 😂